Altars in the Attic
I have just confessed to a beloved friend, who lovingly stood witness, as I spoke of the fact of the aching bones that are stored in my attic in need of healing and final rest. These are boxes of baggage and upset. Some not mine to unpack, but unpacked they must be. Eventually. They are filled with betrayal, short comings, half truths and neglect. They are filled with the rest of the story, unspoken or heard. Never given the chance to be uttered in Soul soothing, Life giving Word. They are made of the bones of my ancestors, leading up to and into myself. All our faults and our flaws and our failings. All the deep DNA of genetic entraining. The ways we concealed and withheld out of fear it could never be healed. But there’s sunlight that enters the Attic, when I hold each small box in my hands. When I look and do not look away, and bless every event that has led to this day. When I integrate all that I’m made of and cast not one pebble away, then the stones become pathways to Altar...