The Communion of Communication
I am fascinated with language. I find it quite Miraculous when spoken words can be drawn forth from the ethers and woven into clothing for the offering up of what can’t be clothed. Or spoken. Our deepest communications are often the felt sensations that we confer upon and convey to each other beyond any need to utter sounds. Language itself is a conundrum. It has a history and a symbolism that can often be felt differently by both the speaker and the one being spoken to. I have recently been invited to several social gatherings. I am grateful to be welcomed in and thought of. I am grateful to be called to the table of community and shared communion with those I love. I am also mindful of the lessons I’ve been learning in this self created hermitage that is my life. And I am feeling both a sense of caution and optimism. I am asking of myself these days to listen more and to speak less. In an honest attempt to understand and to surrender and to make of my heart a nesting space of sa...