The Humming

 Have you ever heard it?

That background sound that seems to Hum. That sound that speaks in stillness and gently calls to you. And rocks you . And holds you as you sleep within the great Womb of the deep. 

That Humming sound of all that is and ever shall be. That Grace filled echoing that speaks the Truth beyond all form. And knows your Name. And why you came.

I have recently taken a sabbatical from social media and the unfolding events “as they appear” upon my Tv screen. Because of what I’ve seen. Inside myself.

I have seen villains. And wars. And judgements. And divisions. I have felt the uprise of anger and resentment and frustration. I have wielded heavy swords from within myself that I draw forth at a moment’s notice, against my “perceived “, “enemies”.

Until the Humming. The Humming. The Humming. That called me back from the edge of the ledge on which I stood. And asked me to sit awhile within the silence of the great unfolding. And to surrender my swords. And to trust in The Mystery. Because the Truth of Life is long. And life on Earth is far too short. 

I am soon to attend the bridal shower of my youngest Son’s betrothed.

I begged myself repeatedly to just act “normal”. 

I begged myself to buy the fancy dishes that would bless their gatherings. I begged myself to just work from the registry list of suggested offerings. But because of my sincere desire to Truly Bless, I heard, once again, The Humming. And the call of the song that asked me to show up as I am as an offering in itself. 

And so, I gathered for them. 

I gathered from the elements of the four directions that would provide their True home. Because the Truth of Life is long. And life on Earth is far too short. And “normal” is the resting place of nesting that we form of our own Hearts. As we learn to Hum our own Names. Out loud. And offer them up as bread and wine within our gatherings. 

My own body and mind have been tested as of late. I have had to find the strengthening softness of my knees on the ground. Surrendering to the gifts of “I don’t know.” And the Peace that surrender can bring. 

My sons are such brilliant lights in my life. There is a resonance of The Humming in them I can sense in their caring for me. And in their following of their own inner calling. And in finding the seeds within the deep of themselves that will grow the new seeds of this world. 

My grandchildren struggle to find their way.  They are facing the lessons unfolding in life. And seeking the pathway forward into trusting their own hearts as nesting places of Truth and Sustenance. They, too, are facing the great “I don’t know.” The hallowed and holy ground of stillness and surrender.

I am always so honored when they reach for me to guide them. 

Because it feels like they are Humming. And calling me by Name. To sit with them beside The Great Mysteries. And Listen.  Because the Truth of Life is long. And life on Earth is far too short.

I am learning how to fold up in The Humming. To be wrapped within the Womb and the Wing and the One still Voice of Life. Like riding the wave of a drumbeat that resounds from deep within my Being. And merges with the rhythm of all Beings here beside me. Singing only One song. From our One shared drum and our One shared Heartbeat . Humming and Humming our One Song of Birth.  And our transient time to be gathered together in Grace on this Earth.

Slowing down all the noise that blocks out the resound of The Humming that calls forth Our Worth.


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