For Sam and Valeria

 I have been privileged at times, to behold the Great Blue Heron in flight. The massive blue white wingspan left me speechless and awestruck. The sheer majesty and fluid trust of movement took my breath away. The power and elegant beauty of flight seemed to call to me, and dare me to loosen all doubts that had clipped my own wings.

I have witnessed this same kind of breathtaking flight through the gentle unfolding and merging of wings in the union of my Son and his Beloved.

They have journeyed through this life while flying solo. Testing the deep waters in themselves and others. Until the day came when the deep seeking was answered in the reflection of each other that those waters brought forth.

It was then that they emerged from the holy waters of searching, into the vast expanse of Being, as two beings merged as One.

They became two wings united in flight. Trusting each other’s hearts as navigational frequencies of unified aerodynamics.

I want to Bless this Union and hold it in my Heart and sing to it silently in everlasting prayer.

The Sky they fly will hold all things. The radiant Sun will warm their Wings. The View from above, in the space of their Love, will be breathtaking.

But the Sky will also test their flight. Through thunderstorms and dark of night. And clouds that fog what’s in their sight.

I pray for them an inner Light. And Grace enough to trust that darkness is a beauty precious in its power and might. This is where seeds are born and welcomed into Life. For darkness is itself a Womb of Light, if one does not lose Sight.

I pray they hold on tight to their own sovereign right to honor their own flight. And to respect each other’s Wings. And all the lessons life will bring. They’ll learn that soaring happens through such honoring’s.  And that’s how Wings unfurl into “Togetherings.”   

And it is when the tests of time have Blessed their Wings, that they will teach the Great Blue Heron, many things.


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