
 I would like to invite us all to take a collective deep breath. Even those of us who have difficulty with this seldom appreciated action of benevolence and grace. A deep breath can simply be a pause. A centering. A home coming. Just place your trembling hand on your beautiful, vulnerable, sacred and still beating heart.

And there it is. Here it is. The drum beat of our unity. The song of our Oneness. The wordless prayers of a world on its knees.

There is an election approaching in the United States. An election that has caused us to divide ourselves. An election that has caused us all anxiety and the inability to take a deep collective breath.

There are unspeakably brutal wars occurring. With death tolls rising and no clear end in sight.

There are wildfires, floods and hurricanes. With death tolls rising and no clear end in sight.

And meanwhile. Beloveds are sitting at the bedside of beloveds who are leaving this painful, beautiful, agonizing and precious world.

And children are being conceived. And born. Into the waiting and loving arms of parents who breathe their tender hearts into the seedlings of life’s endless promise.

A dear friend of mine recently sat with a friend of hers as he left this world. They sat outside in the rich autumn tapestry. Two leaves suddenly fell from the nearby trees and gently floated down upon them.

I think that leaves are the feathers of trees. They fly us back down onto solid, waiting, fertile ground. They dare us to let go and hold on in one dancing, cascading breath. They lead us to our roots. And they do not shy away from the fall, or the pain, or the mystery of it all. They call us into grounding and not turning away. They remind us that our experience feeds the soil and impregnates the future in the now. By what we choose. To Be Leave In.

Now, I ask you, once again, to breathe with me. But do so with Be Leaf. Do so with the hope that we can join hands once again in this tender circle of life. Do so with the Majesty of that which allows the tree to lay down its leaves. As food for tomorrow. Offered today.

Place your hand on your heart. Feel the gentle drumbeat of the union of us all. Beating and Be Leaving. I am with you in your heartbeat. I am with you at this campfire of the Light. Although it flickers and casts shadows that seek to deceive us. No matter what happens. No matter the work left before us to do. I will feel the drum of your heart beat in mine. And I will Be Leave. In You.


  1. These are very sacred and precious words to me. Grateful as always for your comforting heart.


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