7 Churches

 I have been in the process of trying to offer my inner landscapes on pages through writing. This is done As a Prayer and Communion. To share in the journey. To billow forth love onto God. Through you.

I offer these Prayers as Sanctuary and Daily Sabbath and Safe Havens of rest and reflection.

I must tell you here, that I kneel at all Altars where Love is revered as Truth, and Truth unfolds as knowledge of the fact that we are already Free.

As a subscriber to the Voice for God in all the languages that God may speak.....I receive many messages in my email inbox.

Now, keeping in mind my new daily prayer...which is breadcrumb offerings I give to you from the Voice of the Soul of my Heart....

Here is the first message I was sent today...

"I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like the sound of a trumpet, saying, "Write in a book what you see, and send it to the seven churches."

Revelation 1:10 NASB

Now I do not claim to be a Prophet.

By Myself.

But I do claim this for us all.

We are, all of us, living and fluid creations of The Most High God. We are receiving towers and broadcast towers in constant and flowing dialogue with Divinity.

We are books of scripture ourselves. We pick up our pens to testify each time we speak.

What if most scripture is written in code and the 7 churches referenced above were the 7 chakras and energy systems of our own beings?

What would you write in your book today on your sacred pages?

What would you say to your Soul of the Vision you see, the Vision you proclaim and the Vision you hope to Be?

How do we respond to the Voice for God within us that speaks to us this very day?

My response to this Voice, I pray, will be always this way:

"I am listening. I am listening. I am listening."

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."


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