As We Walk Upon The Water

 Sometimes. Things just take time. And deep breathing. And friends offering mighty winds to your weary sails. Sometimes. Things are born in still waters of deep patience and perseverance. The Waters know the way and will show us,  if we dare ourselves to dive.

Thank you for sitting with me here  on these pages.

 I hope to offer you Breadcrumbs of deep Communion. To strengthen and nourish you as you Journey through great Oceans and Rivers of Life. Unfurling in Mystery. Leading us ever and always to where we now stand. To the Home of the Heart, where the Journey began.

These are Breadcrumbs of fervent Thanksgiving. For the Wonders this Journey contains.  The deep Eddies and rippling Whirlpools. The Tides that roll out to the Shores of all that which Remains.

Take my hand as We Journey Together.

And Our One Heart Proclaims its Amen.


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