
 I've come to think of my blogs as broadcast towers.

Billowing. Love. Onto. God.

Through your eyes.

That's what we're all doing anyways. We're broadcasting through our thoughts. We're relaying our points of reflection. Spilling our perspectives out into the great Sea of Consciousness. Swimming in the infinite Oneness as we beam forth the view from a Wave. 

What will we Wave at today?

What signal will we send forth to ripple the Waters? As the points of View of God, we are in Divine Dialogue at all times. Sending and Receiving. What is the message we send forth this day? What is our Vision of the World we Behold, as we View it as Reflections of Divinity? We are continually reporting our impressions of it all back to Home Base. 

I choose at all times to be mindful of

Billowing. Love. Onto. God.

Billowing is soft. Like a Cloud. Or a Pillow. It is allowing and comforting and spacious. It can be a container for Tears. And Rest. And Dreams of Sky. And Oceans made of Raindrops. 



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