Om Shanti

 I have a small, black cat named Shanti. A rescue from the litter of a feral cat Mother. A Mother not unlike me. And so, I believe, we are kin of sorts.

I taught him to come for his meals when I chanted the old Sanskrit prayer, "Om Shanti Shanti".  But he knows me by Heart now and such things are not necessary.

The word "Shanti" means Peace. Ironically, this is the one thing he longs for.

Shanti and I can converse telepathically. As I prepare to go into a daily meditation, I need speak no words out loud. From whatever perch he sits upon to survey his kingdom, once I go into The Silence Within, Shanti comes to accompany me.  He is well versed in The Silence I seek. He comes prepared to assist. Without hesitation, he leaps to my lap and assumes his own Prayer Pose. Head bowed. Arms and legs extended down the length of my own. He purrs me into the Peace we were both born to Be.

My loved ones fear I tell tall tails. They have never seen this "Shanti" of whom I speak. For Shanti is yet unsure of Humans. At the mere hint of a footstep approaching my door he is under my bed, safely hidden but watchful. He's an excellent  watch dog. He feels Human footsteps are Loud and their Thoughts confusing. He is unclear of their intentions. He watches the nightly news with me and I assure him things will not always be this way. I tell him not to worry. I tell him we are all made of Light we do not yet See. 

He is cautious, yet Hopeful.

We assume our positions. In Prayer for the Peace we were both born to Be.

We Partake of Our Meal. 

Daily Bread of Tranquility.

Om Shanti Shanti Om.

Om Shanti Shanti.


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