Refractions of Light

 I have often been accused of wearing rose colored glasses.

I assure you this is not the case.

I wear prescription lenses.

With Rainbow Prisms to Refract the Light.

This eases the blurring of the Two Worlds I See.

I may need an adjustment soon. But writing you these words helps me reestablish my Focus.

To "Refract" is a Verb meaning:

Changing the Direction of a Ray of Light as it enters at an angle.

Refraction, then, is the Bending of Light as it moves from one substance or medium to the next.

I Pray to be a Medium of Substance.

Sending You only wild Rays of our Innocent Purity.

I Am Choosing to stay Focused.

While on this Earth, there may always be, two worlds I see.

One is erupting in insanity.

The Other - Calm and Tranquil and Translucent as a Droplet of Infinity.

I must Choose the World that Lives inside of me. The One I offer You, each time our Souls may Speak.

If I could write prescriptions I would offer you my Rainbow Prism Lense.

So You could Bend the Light with me

And We could lend - In Harmony

A deeper Choreography of Light that Bends to Bless our shared Reality.


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