
 The Whole of Winter is a Tabernacle Tapestry.  A living Altar speaking Spirit through Her Winds. Always, She draws me in.  And leads me Home. I have to find the Warmth from deep Within my Bones.

The endless gray of Day's.

The leafless Trees.

In constant interplay

That moves me to my Knees.

There is Such Beauty Here.

Once I release the fear.

Allowing Winter's Wisdom to ignite what Burns in me.

The Candle's Lit Within.

Warming what Breathes in me.

And I become a Willow

Weeping only 

Songs of Blessing

To Caress the View I See.

Crystal Eternity

Dancing before my eyes

Here in these Winter Skies.

Reflecting Altars of The Holy that Reside in me

Once I step In To View

What Winter always Knew.


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