The First Step

 So Here we are. 

At the Beginning.



And I will take a very deep breath, before sharing with you my very first steps in Walking On Water.

Not long ago, the Love of my Life left this world. By his own hand. 

He threw himself on his sword.

Some call that suicide. 

But I know the deeper truth of such exits, and wish to broadcast my love and compassion to all who've arrived at this particular doorway. On either side.

Some would say that I dishonor him by writing these words. But that would not be possible. For He is the very metal and scope of the DNA inside me that is forged by Life to become the Heart of Honor.

Precisely one week after his entrance into next door realms, another beloved decided to exit through the same doorway. But this did not come to pass. And the tumultuous waters of the shipwreck were stilled on her behalf.

On Earth I was given a "trauma team". And I will always be grateful.

But that's also when the first steps occurred.

Upon hearing the news of his leaving and his chosen doorway, I lowered myself to the ground.

It all happened in an instant.

I surrendered everything inside me. I surrendered every hidden sword and weapon used against myself and others. I surrendered my judgements. My assumptions. My condemnation. My false notions. My insides were laid bare before The Holy....

I surrendered. And I declared my Truth. This was not an ultimatum. It was a declaration of what would be. I submitted myself to the Holy. And I asked to speak to my beloved who had left this place. I needed to hear from him and be assured of his well being. I would simply not be able to rise again from the floor without the certainty that Spirit would tell me these things and more. This was the only possible outcome. 

I cried out. To the Spirit of my Father. And The Father of my Spirit.

I cried out.

To My Fathers.

Who Art In Heaven.

And We Walked Across The Water.



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