
 I have a painting that hangs on my bedroom wall. It was painted by a dear friend long ago by the Voice in her Heart. It is a painting of Mother Mary of Nazareth. Walking On Water.

There is an old Greek word often associated with Her. The word, "Theotokos",  means God-Bearer.

When I go to Her, as I often do, She teaches me fiercely and softly. The folds of Her robes contain every Mystery yet to unravel.

She assures me that My Sons are Holy, too.

And that God is born anew each day inside us all

 each time His Breath is Blessed by the Yes of an Inhale.

My boys were given the impossible task of being born to a mother who had not yet fully incarnated.

In their younger years I was always in search of that something, someway, somewhere, out there...that would lead me Home.

The years have taught me. 

If only I'd learned to sit still in the midst of their stained glass eyes...all my longings would cease.

My Sons keep getting on airplanes.

I am grateful for their daring themselves to fly. I am grateful for things they have not learned from me and the things that they dare me to try.

Each time they take flight, I will try to become an extension of Sky they will fly through.

Bearing witness to

 The birth of their perpetual beginnings

The Walking On Water

Through a Yes to the Sky

And the gift of the Wings

Newly born as we trust we can Fly.


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