
 So, I have the Flu. Or, the Flu has me. And I am restless yet in need of rest.

Oftentimes writing serves as  elixir to me.  If I can find it inside me to choose the right frequency, hum the right melody, find the right words to sustain us both. It is my medicine. Offered for our mutual well being, when properly mixed.

I love a good acronym. But the word "Flu" does not lend itself to poetry. The alchemy is slippery.

At first I went with:

Feeling Like Underachieving.

But that just didn't sound nice.

Then I went with:

Feeling Less Ubiquitous.

But, I'll get back to that.

Finally I went with:

Not. Covid.

Although my test is still in the mail, and this is less than alphabetically correct, I settled on this acronym as chosen mantra.

Ubiquitous is a wonderful word. I am newly inspired by its power and purpose.  It means omnipresent, existing everywhere, present and appearing.

As I reached for this word, it reached back to me.  As in energy. As in Medicine.  As in Alchemy. Like a great Wave of Human Compassion it Rippled before me. To Remind and Restore me.

As I send you these words in the hopes they inspire your Soul, I am fed a deep healing.  We are made of the same breath that breathes us. We are intricate Waves on the Water. We are part of the particles swirling in myriad offerings. Healing in Unity. Giving. Receiving. Spiraling Alchemy.

Be Well My Good Friends.

We are Held through it all. 

Suspended, like Starlight, through fleeting encounters with Time, While caressed by the Timeless.

I can already feel you in Waves.

All the ripples of Starlight that Wave from your Eyes as you swim in these words.

You are all Holy Waters. 

Sacred elixirs of gathering Starlight. 

Offering Breadcrumb Communion to Bless and Restore.

Merging back with the Wave that creates Healing Shores.

The ubiquitous form of the formless pours forth.


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