Mostly Cloudy

 Recently, a dear friend posted a Facebook link to a group called "The Cloud Appreciation Society".

My friend does not know the deep synchronicity for me of his post on that particular day.

My youngest Son, on that very same day, had lent me his kind, wise eyes.

My Vision has needed some tender loving care these days. As Vision often does. It is so important to See things clearly, and to be mindful of appreciating the whole View.

My driving skills have been compromised as of late by the way my eyes receive bright Light. It is almost too much for me, and I often have to shield myself from Sunlight.

This has brought me into perpetual prayer and immense gratitude for the benevolence of a cloudy day. The occurrence of an overcast Sky grants me freedom and confidence. It liberates me with opened possibilities and certainties of safety into passages of Destiny. 

As my Son kindly drove me to See the eye doctor, I confessed my new fondness for Clouds. I told him how freeing and immense the Skies became for me when filled with these cushions and buffers of Light.

The irony and metaphor of it all did not escape us on our drive. My Son complimented both my connection to Spirit and Spirit's Response as he witnessed the recurrent changes in recent weather patterns.

Though he did profess his preference for a Sunny day, neither one of us now looks at Clouds the same anymore.

Even the conditions of the supposed Clouds of our lives. How often they contain the Rains of Deep Wisdom and Tenderness, far beyond the brief scope of our limited perceptions.  The Clouds offer up a deeper, more longed for drink of Water. Nourishing us at our long forgotten and thirsty Root.  How often the apparent occlusion of Light reveals the Truth that it was there all along, wearing Clouds like a cloak to tease us forward towards remembrance.

There is a great difference between  Cloud and dark Shadow. The Clouds in my Sky do not Shadow the mood of my day. They billow before me in Blessing. Opening the flight plan. Enhancing my Visual Acuity.  In my current field of Vision, even dark Shadows can serve as Agents of Absolute and Indivisible Light.

I want to Become As Coherent As  Light. Indivisible and Bright. Shining as Shadow. Disguised  as a Cloud.  Sparkling Like Sunlight.  Filling the Lense with all the potentials that meet the Eye. With only One Vision. One Whole, Holy Sky.


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