Vision Quest

 My Children and Grandchildren have the kindest eyes I've ever seen. Each with their own color and hue and a new point of View. Each with a fresher perspective and an aspect of Truth I'd not noticed before. 

Their Eyes are like portals and pallets of color. Enhancing my Vision. Like  kaleidescopes of endless possibility. They See far beyond current landscapes. Their eyes are not fixed on the past or in fear of the future. Their focus is Now.

I would like to be Clear for them, like the mirrors they show me. Deep Windows of Wonder and Hope and Promise.

I would like to be Clear. And to show them somehow.  Like a still pool of Water. Reflecting the Light they reflect onto me.

I hope they will See.  These children before me.

The expansion inside me when they came to Be.

How the Look of their Light would change all that I See.

Through the Visions they've shared and the Visions to Be.

May they find in my Eyes 

May they have Certainty 

That the Visions they Hold

Will Bless All That They See 

And that Visions of Them 

Now look back to Bless Me.


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