A moment of Silence

 Language is a clumsy thing to wrap around the mysteries of what only occurs in deep silence.

It is important that we visit this Silence. Allow it to lift us to a level above what appears to be our only view. The deeper vision of silence transforms our perspective in panoramic details of the breath and depth of Love we swim in as we traverse these landscapes of Earth.

But, as a wise friend once told me, we are called in this life to be both "Mary" and "Martha".

We are called to sit at the feet of Divinity. In reflection. Meditation and Prayer. But we are also called to rise up from the Mat. And to do the hard work of housekeeping. In our personal lives. In our relationships with ourselves and others. And in our Nation's.

Throwing spiritual platitudes at raw spiritual pain does not serve as remedy. And it leaves us barren in our resolve to be accountable to, and in search of,  becoming a part of the remedy.

There are children taking to the streets soon. In peaceful protest to the guns of war we carry both in our hands, and in our hearts.

The message of the children is simple. And painful. The message is to rise up in love.  In living action.

Through our politics. Through our collective abilities to speak and seek our deepest truths.

The children request of the adults in power that we lay down our arms of weaponry. And lift up our arms of protection for that which is Wise. Innocent. And True.

May we rise above our levels of conflict and walk hand in hand with these children as they birth what is possible.

May our moments of silence lead us into the power of love reclaiming itself in this fragile world that now teeters on the brink of our choices.


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