Dangling Participles

 The Nuns of Saint Clare still lay claim to the thoughts in my head. 

They taught me in spite of my wild horses, run away mind. They harnessed my energy and led me to pastures I roam to this day.

I studied them carefully, due to my hidden agenda. I felt as though I was not "from around here", and I desperately needed to find my way Home. I prayed that somehow they might show me The Way.

They had gotten a few things wrong, however. But being the good Catholic girl that I was in those days, I felt guilty for having such thoughts.

 Yet those thoughts persisted.

I sought to arrive at the Heaven of Now. Not the one that they spoke of, which happened much later, and only by following rules as prescribed and decreed.

I still loved them immensely. And forgave them this error. As they forgave me.

Immediately following elementary school, I basically checked myself out of any formal training meant to enlighten me.

Life had presented me with events I could not comprehend. I hadn't yet learned how to navigate through all the courses that Life would assign  me.

I enrolled myself in the halls of "higher" learning.

It is miraculous that I am here to tell the tale.

A "dangling participle" alters the meaning of a sentence, and changes its direction. This is often a subtle occurrence pertaining to the Subject. Unrecognized by the reader. And at times, by the writer.

When I was still forming, my sentence was altered. And though unrecognized, I had become quite a  spiraling, dangling particle. I was a mere fragment of my former and yet to be Self.

In the misty hallways of my "higher" learning, I sought solace from sources that never consoled. I got higher than ever, and landed in bottomless lows.

Then my Children Arrived. And harnessed my energy. Showing me pastures I roam to this day.  They drew breath into me as they first drew their own.  And gave back so completely.  Sincerely and freely. Resurrection by Birth.  Offering Heaven. As Earth.

They Revealed to me, Purely,  the Heaven of Now. 

The Truth and The Way 

And the fact that somehow

The True Ground of All Being

 Walks here with us Now 

Appearing as Landmarks and Pathways of Home

And Wild Horses that Lead us to Pastures to roam.


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