Dear God

 Dear God,

Thank You so much, for everything.

I have no complaints whatsoever.

Thank you for letting my car brake down in my driveway. Thank you for the fact that I have my very own driveway. And a car to park there.

Thank you for reminding me to renew my Triple AAA.  And for the resources with which to do so. Thank you for the Angels Always Available. Please use me as a resource to them all. As my way of thanking You for the depth and breath of Wings you send my way.

Thank You for my Children. Who have spent their whole lives with me. And still love me.

Thank you for my grandchildren, who are still in the process of learning who I am. And love me anyways. 

Thank You for the inner and outer conflicts of this life as they arise. They are teaching me to stretch and grow and change. They are teaching me to reach for You, and to find You. Everywhere.

Thank You for partly cloudy and mostly sunny and moon kissed skies. All these daily bread blessings in my quite full basket.

Thank you for turmoil and pain and shame and the message to reach beyond, above and through. To You. 

Thank You, God, for Everything.

I have no complaints whatsoever.

I pray to be used as Your Answer to Prayer. To deliver your Blessings as You have Blessed me. To Be an active, grateful Bead. A living, giving Rosary. In Your Kind Hands, I'll take a stand, and Bless All that You've shared with me.


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