How to Remember what Not to Forget

 Sometimes Love feels like a tear.

Whole Oceans tumbling from my eye.

Sometimes Love feels like a tear.

A split in the seam of the fabric of Sky.

And what to Remember - And not to Forget

Is that Love is a story unfinished as yet.

And a story of Love is as good as it gets.

Love will hold in its Arms all that ever could be.

There will be no selective exclusivity.

All that Is - It lifts Up

Fills itself like a cup

Pouring forth Loves remains

That are never used up.

In Loves Arms there is Space

For the Everythingness.

For the Hollowed out Hearts

And deep caverns of Bliss.

And the thing about Love 

Is it can't be contained.

The sheer Force of its Presence

Dissolves all restraints.

When the journey is long

And The Way is unclear

Take Love's Hand in your own

As Your Own

And Appear.

Love's Awareness As You

Will Arrive. Safely Here.

Though Love feels like an Ocean

That falls from my eye

Flowing down to bare ground

And rebirthing as Sky

If I open my arms to its endless supply

All I Love

Will lie Safe in Love's Arms.

And the thing to Remember - And not to Forget

Is that Love is a story unfinished as yet.

And a story of Love is as good as it gets.

We are All of us Stories of Love that beget

Seeds of Truth

Grown as Children

Love never Forgets.


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