In my Prayers

 When someone requests of me that I  keep them in my Prayers, I consider it to be a Sacrament of the highest order and alchemy.

More often than not, this  request is a pure and simple invitation to bear witness. When we hold each other in honest prayer we offer each other up to the highest possible Light. We need not utter a sincere prayer of the heart but one time. The Supreme Creator of all that is and ever shall be is not in need of our reminders or instructions. 

Our Prayers are born of our trust in the fact that all is truly well and is provided for.  And that this,  too, shall pass.

If I am able to be the one who steps in to offer the required intercession, then Spirit will answer that prayer, through me. It is more likely, however, that I am asked to simply rest in the space of trust on behalf of the one I pray for, and Spirit will direct and I will again bear witness.

I have been known to be a tiny bit stubborn. And fiercely independent. 

Recently though, I became slightly overwhelmed.

My kitchen broke. My bathroom broke. My refrigerator broke. My dryer broke. I purchased three different pairs of shoes in two weeks that my mother still can't walk in. 

And then my car wouldn't start.

So I sent out a request for prayer. I needed others to temporarily surround me in the reminder that all is well and all is provided for. I did not want to feel downtrodden when I am so immersed in Blessings.

Some felt as if they needed to be the source of intervention on my behalf. But that was not my intention. My request for prayer was my request to be made more aware of the space of grace I was already held in.

The answer came with the dawn of the very next day. Through what I call, the " Angels Always Available ". Otherwise known as Triple AAA.

They brought me a new battery. And an otherwise clean diagnosis. And a reminder that all is well and all is provided for and Angels are Always Available. 

I was recharged. Plugged back in.  And receiving higher voltage.

So, until we meet again, I offer you all my deepest Thanks.

And my promise to keep You


In my Prayers.


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