
 I have admittedly been over sensitive this week. I have practiced the art of deep breathing and the grace of letting go. Yet at times I've held onto concerns a bit too long.

The resounding background sound in my Heart is consistent. I am perpetually reminded that I am truly Blessed, Divinely guided and held in the arms of the Infinite and the Always. 

"Fear Not", I am told.

"All is Well", I'm consoled.

"There is no need or want  your very hands do not already hold".

And yet. And still. I stumble. Though momentarily. And humbled. By the Truth as it appears before me.

My angst this week occurred due to issues of Trust. I needed to release my arrogant need to control the behavior of others. And trust their hearts to find the pathways of love and reconciliation.

And so, the Spirit led me to " the sign".

I was late for an appointment. Parking was an unfortunate undertaking, without clear directives. The numbers of the rooms jumped unexpectedly from 300 to 700, defying all logic of both reason and mathematics.

I felt my angst find grist for its ever ready mill.

I stopped at the "rest" room.

The sign on the door healed all fractures in my funny bone. I caught myself laughing out loud. Released from my previous, self imposed bondage.  It snapped me out of my lower self and onto Higher Ground.

The "W" in the word "Women", had fallen off.

"Omen",  Was the message on the doorway.

"Come back Home", was the message I received.

There's an old line in a song by George Harrison that simply states, " Beware of darkness and Thoughts that linger. Take care. Beware."

Feeding the wrong Wolf never truly nourishes.

I am so grateful for the signs and the Omens. The messages written all around me. Like Love Letters from the Most High, Absolute and ever Present God.  Whose background sound Resides within me.

"Fear Not", The Voice speaks softly.

"All is Well", The Voice consoles.

"There is no want or need your open arms do not already hold. "


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