
 I once heard a story about His Holiness, the fourteenth Dalai Lama.

There were renovations being done, and new structures being built on the Monastery grounds.

In the sincere attempt to 'do no harm', and to honor his vows of non violence to all beings, His Holiness issued an assignment to the Monks of the grounds.

He asked the Monks to carefully remove all the Earth Worms who lived in the soil that would be excavated, and relocate as many as possible to safer grounds.

There have been ants in my house these past few Summers. They are small, but Mighty. They are a wonder of Unity, Size and Strength. They can cover a counter top, for a mere breadcrumb, in the blink of an eye.

I often invoke my inner Dalai Lama. I scoop them up in soft paper towels, so as not to do harm, and transport them outside.

They fight me on this. They fear I am a force of doom. A source of threat that must be fled.

How frequently do I feel this way myself, as God steps in, sending  Holy Monks, and attempting to relocate me to safer, Higher Ground?

More often than not, the forces that move in around us are benevolent. They have come on our behalf.  Their strong winds are cleansing.

May we all be safely led to Higher Grounds within the Heart.  Trusting in the locations both beneath our feet, and on the roads ahead that we do not yet see.


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