Siamese. If you Please.

 I was just about to make a huge mistake. 

I was about to quote you the "truth", as I thought I saw it.

But Truth is a diamond. It largely depends on the angle you view it from. Some shifting may be required to fully appreciate the Light of its wholeness, rather than the mere fragments.

I was about to quote from the old version of the Disney classic, "Lady and the Tramp."

I can still hear the song in my head at times. Sung by Peggy Lee in the original version. "We are Siamese, if you please. We are Siamese, if you don't please....."

I was about to tell you that lately, as I watch the news, it occurs to me that certain human beings have morphed into a kind of Siamese/Pit Bull/Chihuahua version of themselves. And that we forget that we are not born upon this Earth to hiss and to growl and to be paid homage to.

But, it appears, I would have been hissing and growling, and barking up the wrong tree, if I'd written that original thought in my head. If I'd not stepped back to observe the diamond more closely, and unravel its shining bits of thread.

I've only known two Siamese cats in my life. I was not their chosen person. I was a guest in their house. 

It seemed to me that these two particular cats asked  me to bear witness to their superiority. I was to bow down and adore them. Other than that, unless otherwise summoned, I was often dismissed.

I was a teenager then. They were far older and wiser than me. If only I'd have taken the time to study their stunning blue eyes, I could have witnessed the diamonds that shone before me. Teaching me their Truth.

I have just now learned a thing or two.

I have learned that Disney has since rewritten the old classic from my childhood memories. In order to try, as best they can, to wash clean the former stereotypes and insensitivities that some of the scripts and characterizations once portrayed.

I have learned as well, that the word, "Siamese", refers to those whose lineage is of the former Siam, now known as Thailand.

Many years ago, in the former Siam, Siamese cats were revered and honored. Thought to be great Guardians of the Soul, they were only to be found with those of high nobility in Palaces and Temples.

I also confess here before you, that I don't really know any Pit Bulls. And comparing them to certain members of American Politics is just not fair to Pit Bulls. I have heard that most are good natured and kind, and I do hold them in higher regard then my aforementioned comments would have revealed.

As for Chihuahuas, I have known several. But those I've known have suffered through great anxieties and emotional instabilities. 

Yet, haven't we all.

From now on, when I seek to raise my bow and arrows in judgement against any other, may I remind myself to look in the mirror. May I  examine my own capacity towards ignorance and a lack of sensitivity and awareness. And may I seek to mend those frayed old patterns.

It turns out, that the Siamese cats of my childhood were telling me the Truth.

They really are my superiors. And I hereby pay their blue-eyed diamonds homage. And bow down.

I have a long way to go. And many an Arrow to surrender. And I ask of your patience and forgiveness of me. As I seek out the diamonds in all eyes I see.


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