String Theory

 My writings are Prayers. Made of random, loose leaf threads and bits of string that flow through my mind. And Heart. It is best when Mind and Heart are Wed and in alignment. But this often requires my careful and tender attention.

The thoughts from my mind can be reactionary and worrisome. But my heart knows better. And offers its council.

I can travel great distances in my thoughts. At the speed of Light. Through time and space where they both collapse. Into only threads and strings of Light.

I often start my day at the feet of the Master's. I journey forth into Jerusalem. Travel slowly through Tibet. Sit in Prayer pose in Ashram's of India. 

 Then I find myself hiding from bombs in Ukraine, where I offer   my Heart as a refuge from pain.

I then walk through the halls of my Congress, in shame.  Trying hard not to trigger the bullets within the deep barrel of judgements that I know by name. 

I sit by my Children's side. Each day. In thoughts that are Wed in my Heart and Mind. I send them the Rays of my Heart. Like a force field of Love. To cloak them in goodness, guidance and strength. To Bless and Protect.

My Children and I share a lineage expanding whole continents. Our bits of string bodies are woven together through blood lines and starlight that spread out through landscapes that know no divide. Except in the hallways and concepts of Man, that define by their presupposed, self burdened boundaries.

My Mother grows frail. I keep watch as she struggles. She can't bear the news anymore. She can't make it make sense.

My Father's physical footsteps no longer appear. But his strings deep within me are tied on to everything. I wrap them in layers of lace on my heart, and hold on for dear life.

We are interconnected. A web of pure light. There's no me, that is not part of you.

So today I will wrap you in Strings made of Starlight that flow from my Heart. I will tie them in ribbons of promise and hope.  And a solemn resolve to walk with you in faith with the knowledge in hand, that we're already there. We've already arrived. 

In the Speed of Light landscapes of Heart and of Mind, in the theory of Everything that we can find, that holds us and calls us above all divides.


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