The Afterlife of Weeds

 For the first time in almost fifteen  years, my Lavender plants have taken root, my Lilacs are blooming and the  Lily of the Valley are spreading their wonders across my terrain.

To call them, "my" Lilacs and Lilies is quite incorrect. They have come from Higher Realms entirely, and I am truly Blessed to make their acquaintance.

While tending to their delicate natures, there have been "others" who've tried to occupy their dwelling spaces.

These "others" are often referred to as weeds. 

I've noticed that weeds have a presence and strength and tenacity, uncommon and rarely observed in their siblings on Earth.

I speak to them as I remove them from the soil. I tell them it is not yet time for them to shine, but that the day will surely come.

I can only imagine the afterlife of weeds. Where their merits and accomplishments are noted, honored and recognized.

The gifts of weeds are numerous. 

They consistently bring us to our knees.

They move us outdoors and outside of ourselves.  And inside of the Presence. We drop our worries at their feet. We slow down and give in. Tending to gardens that tend back to us.

The reception rooms of Heaven, for the Spirits of weeds, will resound in  praise.

Well done, my children. You have sacrificed yourselves for their upliftment. You gave work for their hands, meditations for their hearts, moments of silence and deep satisfaction. Instant gratification and self adulation were found for them all, once you'd taken the fall.

Welcome home,  little ones. Your true mission and purpose out lives your brief moments on Earth.

Now breathe deep. And take Root.  And Remember your Radiant, Blossoming Worth.


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