Welcome to the Future

 This is a Confession.

And an Apology.

And a Sincere Moment of Gratitude for the Blessings I am about to Receive. 

These Blessings are not contained in a time line that has Yet to Be.

They have already been poured out. Brought forth. And filled up inside my over flowing Cup.

There is an event on my horizon that caused me to momentarily stumble. I fell, temporarily, onto the wooden horse of worry and doubt and anxious concern.

Much of this event involves my sight. And the way I see things.

 But it is never our eyes that truly deceive us. It is more that at times, we lose focus and stand in need of restored Vision and Perception.

A beloved Sister caught Sight of me just now on my wooden horse.

She reminded me. Gently. Of the Chalice in my hands. Filled to the Overflowing Rim. Of the Angels I've known, Who've whispered in my ear.  Of the inexhaustible essence of Love that surrounds me.

Faith is not found when the storm has passed, Or the bridge has been crossed,  or the debt has been cancelled.

Faith Is The Bridge.  And Trust is the Journey. And Blessings requested are Blessings Received when we first set our feet to these Paths of Remembrance. And Sought to keep Sight of The Vision Within.


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