
 Skillful Writing is like baking bread.

One must first fill with a hunger for the sustenance of life. And add just the right spice.

Some locations of altitude alter the temperature settings. It is best to begin with a warmed up heart before making a start. Attitude is a main ingredient that leads to the ultimate taste and nutrition of bread.

Proper portions must be met. Careful blending of compatible and complimentary ingredients are a mandatory skill set. Too much of this will lead to that and will not rise. The thoughtfulness of the dough must be patiently tended. All thought forms blended. For the taste of truth to touch hungry lips formed by fingertips melting just the right words into honey kissed bits. Proper kneading must not contain need.

The soft crust should illuminate baked in themes. All  the time that it took to turn craving to cream. The silent prayers  of the spoken dream. Allowing tongues to touch singular schemes of hope filled platters of all that matters in the in between.

Writing can be dangerously fruitful. Leaving one craving the process of starting again and attempting to blend. All the harvesting, gathering, pouring and sifting. The emptying, filling, alchemical shifting. 

Just one slight of hand, changes all that’s been planned and transforms what will bake in the pan.

Not all writing is sweet. But if thoughts  are complete, food for thought will be offered to nourish and eat. And the words will be merged with the fire and heat in the process of taking it in. And beginning again. Placing forks in the road. Telling stories that long to be told. The mere morsels of all that we hold poured forth into these bowls. Offered up as a bread crumb communion, To sanctify union, through blessings of bread, at all tables where we bow our heads.


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