
 I have learned more from the animals I’ve known  than I have from most encounters with human beings. Animals are by far the more advanced and sensitive of the species who cross these planes of Earth.

The animal kingdoms are consistently honest. They only speak in languages of Truth. They are not into small talk, for they do not glaze over the contents of their experience. When they look you in the eyes, you know that you’ve been looked at. They suffer silently, patiently and forgivingly, the effects of our not stopping to look back.

Bullshit is not in their vocabulary. They can always feel what we do not say. And forgive us anyway.. Their own feelings are raw and expressive and immediate. And often misinterpreted. And in their kindness, we are forgiven for our constant lack of understanding. And our slow, slow strides towards trusting and speaking and listening in Truth.

My cat, Shanti, is a superior being. His capacity for gentleness defies the meager boundaries of its limited descriptions.

He has now transcended all limits themselves and all faulty inscriptions of all in existence that can’t be defined.

And what I wouldn’t do

For one more look at Truth

Behind His  Gentle Eyes.


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