
 On the Feast of Saint Clare I adopted two kittens. For purely selfish and ulterior motives.

The tiny cottage I live in used to sit on a slab that no longer exists. This is considered most fortuitous by all manner of woodland creatures that live nearby. The lack of a proper physical foundation allows them entry and shelter from cold winter days. There’ve been chipmunks and squirrels. Field mice and raccoons. Who’ve most thankfully sought out the safety of well heated rooms.

But my cat stopped all that. And sits watch on my lap. Purring softly and gently against all that bumps in the night. Lending uncanny sight. Making everything right.

My senior feline familiar will soon leave my side. All my prayerful petitions can’t soften the slow of his stride. The tumor is growing. The future is showing. 

We must soon say Goodbye.

This morning I woke to find out that the kittens had unearthed the rocks hidden deep in the base of my floorboards. They were thrilled beyond reckoning. Joyfully beckoning me to come see this great gift they had found. Which I swiftly swept up. Leaving them to pursue their next joyful adventure of filling their life loving, thrill seeking cups.

My aging Mother flows in and out of deep woods of dementia and things that are differently processed and gathered and misunderstood. Yet she teaches me grounding in shelters and realms that have no need for what I once thought of as sound and foundation. I grow roots now in deep celebration, for all realms upon which we now stand.

My Mother, hearing of the rocks uncovered, leapt from her bed. “Honey”, she said, “Put a rock in my hand. I’ve not seen one for ages. I’ll sing ‘Rock of Ages’ and flashback to childhood where all of my dreams always land.”

If these writings of mine could be tied in a bow, I hope they’d bestow tender Grace. And thanksgiving for living on fluid foundations of green grass and blue skies and rocks made of gold. That unfold as the mysteries. Shining with histories yet to be told.


  1. By Grace we be able to see and appreciate our mystery....

    1. Thank you for your loving comment. I appreciate it from my heart.


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