
 There is a song I often play that highlights moments in the life of Mary of Nazareth. In the song, the recurring theme is that She stayed. She did not walk away. Her heart did not defend. Her armor on the ground, She sought not to pretend. 

I’m sure she moaned. Until the Earth itself received the anguished discourse of Her fervent groans. And yet, She stayed. She did not stop her gaze. She did not look away. And She Forgave. Her eyes did not betray the harshness of reality that came Her way. She chose to stay. And Be Love Anyway.

I want to Love that way. 

I want my heart to stay. I don’t want to ascend or to transcend the alchemy of incarnation, even as the skies fill up with mystic grey.

There will be pain. There will be deep Goodbyes. There will be heartache. There will be anguished cries. 

This world’s on fire. Thirsting for healing rains to quench before the flames grow higher.

Mary of Nazareth. Please make of me Your Daughter.

Transform me into sparkling drops of Holy Water.

Teach me to know The Way.

Teach me the Grace to Stay.

In full acceptance and surrender to the offerings  of the every day.


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