The Feast Day of Angels

 Today, in some traditions and schools of religious thought, is what’s known as The Feast Day of Angels.

It is a day to pay homage and honor and appreciation to the Celestial Beings who guide and guard us from on high and by our sides.

Today, I am ‘under the weather’. But I will not cloud my Vision of those whose Vision leads me beyond such things. 

Today I remember with Awe. The myriad reasons I should not be here at all. Warmly Wrapped in this  fleeting indulgence. Of weather and weary and storms that have long since passed by. Without harming my Sky.

Today I give thanks for invisible Graces. Leaving tangible traces. Of all that has taught me to swim and to float and to fly.

Today I take respite in Wings. As they whisper and council and sing. To remind me of all this life brings.

To lift up as I lay down my self imposed burdens and untie the gifts that pure presence can bring.

Today I give thanks to the One. To the gentle creator of Earth and of Angels and all of the Harmonies yet to be sung.

Today I give thanks for what is yet to be. For the health and the wellness of humanity, as we offer each other the best we can be.

Today, I align with the Angels and Vow, 

to somehow and someway 

learn to pray in a way 

that will answer the prayers Angels Pray.


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