Our Lady of the Rains

 This has been a very long year.

There has been much to process, release, integrate , heal and be grateful for.

Much has had to do with the practical, tangible, physical “down to earth “ matters.

Such an interesting phrase is “Down to Earth.”

As if “down” was reflective of a relative “up” from which we are separated.

I have pondered as of late, the reality of what is actually occurring when in the stillness of my Heart, the visions come. Yet I have come to honor these moments without question, for the light that they bring me when the clouds block my way.

In a moment of recent stillness, it happened again. 

She came out of nowhere.

In my mind I was adrift at Sea in a small and fragile vessel.  I was searching the horizon for something to hold onto.

She walked across the water. She is made of the tranquility of the spiral waves of the Sea itself.

She knelt down in the waters and drew off the scarf from around Her neck. She dipped it into the waters, wiped my brow, gathered the rain waters of my Heart, and released them all back to the Sea of all that is.

She then pointed to the shoreline that felt so far away from me. And She assured me that it was not. On that sacred shore were gathered all those I have loved who now reside in the ancestral realms that intimately connect to all realms of existence.

Again, She wiped my brow, gathered the drops of my raining heart and released them back to the infinite Sea.

She then pointed me to the shoreline before me. On that sacred shore were gathered all those I love and live this grace filled life with. On Earth as it is.

My children were there with their Hearts so full and tender and radiant. My grandchildren were there with their glowing Hearts of promise and endless possibilities. My most sacred and beloved friends were there. Loving me always. Even as I struggled to love myself.

She stood and swirled the waters with a wave of intention and I suddenly saw that the Sea was filled with seekers. There were so many who had lost sight of Love’s Light as they journeyed through their lives.

They were adrift on the waters, searching the horizon for that something…that something …with which to set sail again in trust and peace.

She handed me Her scarf.  And instructed me as to the gathering and releasing of rain waters. It is simply a matter of showing up. And kneeling down. And offering Heart in hand. As we walk upon the waters. Side by side along the shores.

She walked back across the waves to the place where all realms meet.  To the Heaven of Earth as it is and the Heaven of Earth at our feet.

This “Down to Earth “ vision now keeps me afloat and gives wind to my sails.  I will carry Her scarf in my grateful Heart and offer it always to those who feel lost in the Rains.


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