My Country Western City Ditty

 Pretty little Red Bird singing in my tree. Belting out a song like it’s a ‘Glory Be.’    “Pay attention, Child, Whenever you see me. I have a Cardinal message for you. Don’t you See?”

Red Winged Black Bird perches on the wire. “ Pay attention, Child, and let me lift you higher. Flying’s not so hard if you just trust your wings. Give each new Dawn the Blessing of what you can bring.”

Blue Jay dives down deep onto the ground. Silently and mindfully, without making a sound. “Look, Child, Look at all the harvest I have found. Horns of Plenty everywhere, enough to go around.”

One Robin, Two Robins, Two Robins, Three. Mama Robin scoops the Seed into the trusting beaks. “Feed, Child, Feed on all this bounty at your feet. There is seed aplenty for your every need. It’s the Natural Order, Child, just follow me. The Seed that Glows within you guides you to the Feed.”

Black Crow glides and dips his Bread into the Water.         “Make sure, Child, that gratitude is what you offer. Worry will weigh down your Wings and you won’t Fly. Trust the Winds that move you, Child, and Bless your Skies.”

Pretty little Red Bird singing to the Tree. Belting out a song like it’s a  ‘Glory Be.’   “I’ve got a Cardinal message for you. Don’t you see?  Blessings multiply the Seed.    One -Two,  One -Three.”


  1. Your words allow me spread my wings and flow with the winds of love....


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