Have Mercy on Me, A Sinner

 The news of the day, the anxiety of my own heart and the call of my Soul, have conspired together to compel me to make a movement of turning around.

As a daily practice I have begun to say certain prayers on a strand of beads to anchor myself in calm certainty and abiding faith. As I pray I am brought more deeply into the present moment, where the prayers of my heart form inaudible, unspeakable words of silent surrender.

My prayer beads form a ladder that I climb to reach the lap of solace and release the clutter of words that occlude my Sky. The clouds in my mind lose their hold as I loosen my grip.

 I have chosen ancient prayers to lead me into the sea of stillness. I confess, however, that these prayers have been my first lessons in mindfulness, alignment, certainty and right relationship.

I have not wished to utter the words of others that I cannot honestly speak from my heart. And, yet, I have felt deep affection for the ancient alchemy of words that have fallen from lips that have fallen to knees throughout the ages.

The prayers of The Rosary and The Jesus Prayer have embedded within them the word “sinner”.

I had to sit with this until I understood and formed a truthful agreement.

I am of the belief of our inherent goodness and original blessings as the children of creation. I have sorrow over the throwing of words and false narratives of sinfulness at ourselves and others in order to tout religious self righteousness and egoism. And I do not wish to approach a relationship with The Most High God, by rejecting myself as being anything less than a Divine Creation.

It did not take long for me though, to recognize that I, in fact, have no problem calling myself out for the countless times a day when I miss the mark.  All I have to do is turn the TV on. There is a certain political party that I give myself daily angst about. In my mind I condemn them. In my mind I throw stones and I do not seek to understand. Clutching firmly to my own preconceived, half informed biases and judgments.

I am also a master of self incriminating, self destructive indulgence. I am simply guilty according to my own internal courtroom of verdict and decree.

My prayer beads climb me out of the abyss of judgment and internal jury. My prayer beads anchor me to original blessings and the fresh air of the here and now. I can release the daily dramas and spectacles internally and externally. Knowing I can take action and stand up as needed, my primal instincts have told me to begin on my knees, with a humble, “Please.”

Have Mercy on Me. A sinner.

My Beloved, Jesus Christ, Buddha of my Heart, Thank You for praying for me, Your Sister.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, Bodhisattva of Compassion, Pray for this sinner now, and in all moments when I can turn instead, towards the light of our shared being.

Om Namah Christaya.

Om Namah Maria.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.


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