What the Wind Said

 I have recently had to remember how to unplug and how to tune in.

There have been several diagnoses. Some for myself. Some for those I love. A diagnosis can be a slippery slope. Of action and pause. Of reflection and cause. Of claiming, reframing and finding out what we are made of.

The daily news confounds my nervous system. Although I feel I must not look away, and I must do my part, a steady diet of what is wrong does not feed me strong enough seeds of what I can do to make “right”.

I’ve turned to distractions that I told myself were for my enlightenment. In particular, a series of spiritual stories on film that captured my attention and made me want to be a better person. I visited the social media pages of others who had gathered there. To my surprise they were filled with judgments, criticisms and condemnations. A virtual platform of “my sense of rightness” throwing stones at      “your sense of rightness.”  It was painful and felt like a mirror of what I have to work on within myself. And so I give thanks for the experience. And I hope to withdraw myself from the addiction of feeling the need to assert my own deeply felt opinions, at the expense of the underlying needs of others to do the same.

I have gone into an early retirement. What I thought I’d always longed for. And yet, living for myself without a sense of what to do in the service of something greater is a strange and unfamiliar landscape.

Ultimately, I know the Truth. If I can take this time to heal within myself, I will learn to serve others more lovingly, more authentically and with a deeper sense of presence.

I have been afraid of becoming too afraid to move. And so I sought the counsel of the Wisdom Keepers.

I went to the Wind and the Water.

The Water Waved in unified, harmonized, sparkling Oneness. There was room in the deep expanse to fully release and to fully receive. There was only a sacred sense of okay-ness  with the everything of all that is and ever has been.

The Wind blew the clutter from the clutches of my mind. The clutter I so tightly gripped was softly blown downstream. Cleansed and redeemed.

The Wind Said:, “Shhhhhhhh…Drop all your leaves. Leave them to Me. To purify within the breeze. The noise of thought is now released to merge with Sea.  So Peacefully.  So Silently.  To alchemize with waves of endless possibility.” 


  1. You are awesome, a gift to every man woman and child that you know and love.Thank you for being present in my life...

  2. Thank you so much for your loving kindness and support. 🙏🏽❤️


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