Interdependence Day

 I had a conversation with my son the other day, about the nature of reality, the supremacy of consciousness and our individual perceptions of life here on Earth. 

I am honored to have children who regularly engage me in conversations of this kind. They stretch my understanding not only because of their answers to some of life’s most important questions, but because of the deeper questions they ask.

I posed my thesis to my son, and I am still unraveling the tapestry in the threads of our conversation.

Some of those threads spoke of our supposed independence as individual and solitary beings. 

I very much agree that we have been privileged to be given a temporary experience as a singular expression of Divinity while clothed in a body. We are surrounded by beauty and magnificence in this spectacular material world. Nature, herself, could make us fall to our knees in awe and wonder.  Yet we are simultaneously surrounded by cruelty, violence, oppression and pain that is a direct result of man’s inhumanity against man. What we choose as our own inner experience, we visit upon each other.

The illusion of our independence is profound and far reaching. The miraculous wonders of our physical bodies enrich us with the means through which to share in our experience. But they can also generate false notions of separation and crippling beliefs in otherness.

We are, in Truth, I believe, interdependent. We are held in a vast and limitless container of Love that is strong enough, wise enough and all encompassing enough to hold the all and the everything of us.

We are, in Truth, I believe, One body of Humanity experiencing the labor pains and contractions and exhilarations of evolution. We carry a Butterfly effect within us that will serve to either bless or curse, condemn or redeem, embrace or turn away from. The wings of the thoughts we pay the most allegiance to reverberate across the Body of Man.

I choose to pledge allegiance to the God of Love who lives within us all. I pledge allegiance to seek that Love in myself and others, even when it is cloaked in the darkness of amnesia and desperation and illusions of separation.

I pledge allegiance to my Earth Flag that has no borders or boundaries or exclusions.  And I choose to have Faith in Humanity, even when it gets dark and the way seems to be so very far away. Because We Are The Way. As we struggle through our thoughts of independence, while held together as One, in an unending Sea of Love that sees us only as Loved and Beloved.


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