A Message from the Hollow to the Tree

 This is an open letter to all my relations. To all my ancestors throughout all times past and those to come. This is my prayer and my testament as I kneel within the Hollow of the Tree that birthed us all.

I am now an ancestor. I am an elder of my lineage. I am a representative and caretaker and matriarch of all that shall carry on and unfold when I have reached the other shores. And I am a matriarch of the Now that lays at my feet, and of those I love who are Now before me.

I write these words in full witness to the absolute and breathtaking and awe inspiring privilege of what it means to be alive. And to honor all those who have come before me. And after me. And beside me. And to strive to make a difference while the difference still remains within my ability to grasp and to release.

The Earth is on fire. The flames all grow higher. Our divisions are spiraling out of control. We take aim at each other in midst of the flames. Seeking weapons and blame to absolve us of what we won’t claim as our own to redeem and reframe.

Please Heal. Please Forgive. 

Please consider the blessings and lessons and teachings of  life that are given for us all to live. 

We are all of us, ancestors of the One Tree. There are so many Souls who bowed down in deep honor of what life could be. If only. If only we’d See.

We are all of us, blessed and blessed shall be. And the fires will cease when we choose to be One with The Tree.

Our mistakes have been many. Our lessons aplenty. We are here on a journey through peril and pain. But how we respond is the blessing we gain.

Please choose love.

Please choose witness. For everything this is, will teach us to harness our power to regain the original onset of how this began. 

In the deep seed of Grace. Strong enough to grow Trees. That we all bear through Ancestry. Down to our knees. Through the bones of our Souls that now pray in the haze of the fiery breeze.

Forgive. Please. Find the way. Be the word and the seed. Be the remedy. Please. To honor and witness all ancestors gathered among us. In prayer. In the Holy of Hollows. In the Hollows of Trees. 


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