
 The seasons of life change so quickly on Earth. Like a slow, steady cycle and spiral of unending birth. September and I have established a new relationship. I have had to learn how to walk on my knees, as I learn deep surrender enough to withstand the slow fall of my leaves.

I confess that I still cling to the enchanting summer winds that always seem to end too soon. This fleeting season of the sun now passes by more quickly than it ever had begun. Yet, such a wild and wondrous harvest I have gathered in my grateful, honored arms.

I have been so safely held and deeply blessed. I can feel the love of my children as if their heartbeats drummed in sync with my own breath. I have been visited by friends both old and new, who’ve come to sit awhile and rest and share the view. 

There’ve been new layers added to the tapestry of those I hold so dear. New weavings and new patterns of a great design, unfolding now and through the tapestries of space and time. 

And yet, amidst this grace, there is a memory. There is a shadow of September that falls down on me. Not long ago, September winds took down my tallest tree. But I still linger in its shade and all it brought to me. My very being intertwined within its ever present, resonating roots. 

I believe in the Communion of Souls. And the language of the Spirit Winds. If I but listen long enough to hear the songs they sing.

They tell me, Everything of Love endures this journey. And Every season bows its head in prayer to what’s been harvested and shared. 

We are a resonance of Light. Cycling forward in adventures on a blue white spinning Star. Shimmering rays reflecting all we ever shall be and forever are.

Our guideposts on the winding road are the indelible signatures of the heart beams of our lives. Broadcasting like Lighthouses across the landscapes of the ever and the always. The radiant, enduring, eternal and unending frequencies of Love. The seasons of Love teach us how to rise up. And when to let go. And how to free fall through it all. 

Even down on our knees. In deep hollows of September. Underneath the indelible breeze.


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