The Labyrinth

 Many years ago, I was blessed to attend a gathering. It was held within the ancient embrace of an old Episcopal Church in the heart of my city. The landscape could not have been more perfect, as this was a gathering called together for purposes of entering the deep heart itself.

A most wise and gentle Shaman gathered us into the heartbeat of the drum, and then set us free to find our own footing on the painted  Labyrinth of the old stone church.

I stood transfixed and yearning for my arrival at The Center of it all. The Home I craved. The enlightenment I longed for. I leaned into the Shaman’s guidance. He told me that there were no rules. I was free. And I could choose my path.

My heart leapt as I headed straight for the core of the Labyrinth. I almost ran to the center , falling on my knees when I thought I’d arrived at the Heart of it all. But the moment split open. I had bypassed the Journey.  Seeking Heaven without the deep lessons of Heaven as Earth. And its spiraling, glistening, unending labors of Birth.

The Labyrinth is a teacher of the Journey we all find ourselves inside of. But it is the Journey itself, that helps us to arrive at that illusive space called “Home”  that we have always carried with us and have never truly left.

There will be those we walk with on the path for many miles. And those whose paths we cross in only fleeting glances on the way. Some will share our footsteps and our failings and our falling down, and yet, remain in cadence with the rhythms of our roads. 

As we look out on the winding way,  we see the dance in full display. A shining, spinning work of Art.  We’re never really far apart from one another or our One Shared Heart.

My own footsteps on the sacred road have blessed me with children. Some whom I have birthed. And some who’ve led to birthing me.

My oldest Son is a Master Alchemist, a Philosopher and one who Seeks the Truth within all things. He is a Phoenix ever rising and in search of golden fires beneath our broken, beating Wings.

I share a Daughter with another blessed Mother. We’ve shared the footsteps of the Mother, Daughter, Sister, Spiral Path. She is a Priestess and a Healer and a Mother Ship. And we have sailed these Seas in Waves of Unity.

My Grandchildren are the transformers. The shapeshifters of what is Now and what shall be. They See the possibilities and walk the Path of lifting and of setting Free.

My youngest Son has the eyes of a Shaman. The word “Integrity “ is tattooed on his arm, beside the Angel Wings he bears.

My youngest Son has just found Love along the Labyrinth. In graceful stride they fly together. Like a Great Blue Heron of One Feather. Joined in tandem Wing, they soar above all things. My youngest Son and his beloved, shine a Light on all of us who share their Path. They teach us how to Fly. And how to Trust the Sky.

Although the road is weary and so very long, it’s also fleeting and redeeming and worth every step upon the path we travel on. 

May all our footsteps on the Spiral lead us Home to where we stand. And may we hold each other Heart to Heart and Hand in Hand. May we Become the Alchemist and Shamans. The Transformers and High Priestess for these pathways that we share. And may we Be the Great Blue Herons, open winged above The Spiral, whispering:

“Love.  Is. Everywhere .”


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