A Book That Looks Like God

 I was once told by beloved friends, that Truth is a Diamond. They said that we are all given a place in this world,  with a singular orientation and location from which we view this Diamond.  They said that all viewpoints we hold contain aspects of truth. But the whole Truth is out of our focus. Unless we try hard to zoom out and zoom in, towards a viewpoint of Ultimate, Absolute, Unequivocal and Enduring Truth.

As I’ve witnessed the events unfolding in the world on my TV screen in recent days, I have curled up in the fetal position. Unable to speak or stop the bleeding. I have been trying to gather the children in my arms. The children of Afghanistan and Ukraine and Russia. The children of Israel and exiled Palestine. The children of Cleveland, Ohio.

I have been asked why this all bothers me so. For it has always been this way. And ever shall be.

But in the Diamond Light of my own understanding, we have taken birth repeatedly in order to heal the belief systems of separation and the inevitable pathways of peril that follow.  We are here to not only become the hope of the future, but to fully incarnate and inhabit its realization Now.

As long as there are bombs and bullets flying from our hearts and hands and minds and landing on the soft skin of our children, we have failed at excavating the One Diamond that lies in the fertile soil of the gift of our shared Being.

And so I offer what I have to give. My deepest knowings wrapped feebly in words that I place on your plate in the hope of sustaining you. As we cradle our children, who still hold within them, the Diamond Light that trusts in the  Promise of Birth.

In this prayer of mine, to hold us all and offer sanctuary, I hope to one day write a book that looks like God.

A book so soft and strong that it could hold an infant securely in its arms. A book where every word calls forth the wordless.  A book that is bound in Truth that reflects only Light.

I am starting this book on this page. In your name. Through your eyes.

I am starting this book with the sound of our beating, bleeding, battered and radiant Hearts. I am not bypassing the wars. I am standing as best I can from within their chokehold grip. I am looking with eyes of compassion as broad and as wide as my view of the Diamond allows.

And as I look at you, who read these words, the book is written. The Book that Looks Like God, is the Reflection  of us all. As we rise up inside this moment. And read lullabies to our Children.


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