The Book of Shadows

 My book of Shadows 

Here does lay 

Before me with its interplay

With invocations of surrender

Trusting in the winding way

The spiral journey deep within 

Where shadows lie and light begins 

Where darkness is as much a womb as light will ever be 

What’s in the way is now the way.

Its Truth cannot be held at bay 

It faces false and hidden halls

Rewriting writings on the walls 

From past beliefs and hidden tears

From future grief and what that bears

In silent calls

The shadows come 

To heal it all 

Reveal it all 

If I but sit and merge amidst the shifting of it all

The orb of light is born from deep within what’s hidden 

Its revelations of insight once thought forbidden 

But gifts of mist and shadow turn me back around 

To excavate what has been buried and can now be found 

The Diamond light

Concealed once from my sight

Is now invoked as I lay bare my fear 

And face it is an ally and a friend 

Who comes not to defend 

But to reveal in vulnerability

The humbling luminosity

When laying bare my soul 

In authenticity

Through incantations calling forth the truth within me

Within this sacred , hallowed dance of reciprocity 

While casting circles made of shadows 

birthing light.


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