The Holiness of Hopelessness

 The title of this essay may appear to be misleading. As if it were a testimony to despair. But I assure you, it is quite the opposite.

I have been studying the nuances between three energies as I walk the landscapes of our current world unfolding. In my own life as well, there are terrains I must learn how to walk through towards safe landings on firmer ground.

The world is at war. Children are suffering the effects of the adults who have lost sight of them. There is unspeakable violence. Inhumanity and division seem to grow bleaker with each passing day.

I have been examining the essences of three Teachers inside me that once felt like life jackets in troubled waters.

These are the hallowed teachings of Hope, Faith and Belief. They are at times, singular and powerful of their own accord. At other times, they are intertwined and I find myself unraveling their threads to enlighten my understanding of their inner cords.

As of late, I am learning to shed the skins of all three. In honor of what they’ve all taught me and of what they now lead me to see.

I now know that what I deeply Know, is the only raft I truly need in order to flow in these transient Seas. The paradox of the essence of What I Know, is that it is deeply married to What I do Not Know. And it must be so.

At times I have found myself in the Sacred wellsprings of complete Surrender. All I knew was that I did not know the way, but that the way would be revealed. Often through the lessons on the journey of not knowing, a greater Understanding of the journey itself is realized and made known. When I give up Hope, it is my attempt not to leave the Theater before the end of the Play because things are not going “my way.” It is my acknowledgment of a greater way that is not yet mine to know. It is a flotation device that allows me a full surrender to the flow of the mystery that surrounds and breathes us all. There is a Holiness to Hopelessness. It allows me to stop grasping at the Water as it trickles through my clutching hands and  allows it to sustain me in its endless ebb and flow.

I have abandoned Hope, to find liberation in what I Know.  And claim it as my core of Truth.

I Know that we are made of Love. By Love. And for Love. I Know that we are experiencing a lifetime in which we are all characters playing out our parts on the screens of our shared Lives. I Know that Love can lead us, if we let it, and if we seek it in ourselves and each other. I Know that a bigger picture is unfolding that is greater and more beautiful than our wildest of imaginings. And I Know that we all hold within us, the capacity to imagine it.

I Don’t Know How these things will come to pass that will lead us towards a new birth of the Love we were meant to Be.  I Don’t Know how long it will take or how many will suffer or how long the roads of our learning will be.

But I Do Know that we are learning. That I am learning. And that I am not separate from You. No matter what character You play out on the screen of my life. 

I Do Know that I myself am a character in Your story as it unfolds within your own understanding.

And I promise You this. 

I am learning to choose to be lead by Love only. And to be taught by Her children of honesty, integrity, sincerity, surrender and humility. I Know that if I hold such hands along the way, I will hold Yours a little more tightly and You will feel my Heartbeat in Your Hands. And through each other we will understand. As we walk together.  Deeply Knowing.  We Are One.


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