The Realm of Shadow and Light

 I recently saw a post on social media that caught my eye and captured my attention.  At first I wondered why someone would post such a grim and disturbing photo amidst these troubled times that beg for hope and healing.

In the photo there is a doorway that largely reflects the shadow of a gnarled and twisted and lifeless tree. The shadow looms and seems to hiss and contort itself into the face of a monster who has come to devour its prey.

I questioned why this photo would be shared with such a trembling and tender world. I could not, however, look away. I studied it closely. I wondered and sought answers. And I decided to read the comments of others who had viewed the post.

Through the commentary I heard the chorus.  Through the commentary I was given a metaphor for life.  In one clear voice, those who had commented, sung out this essential refrain:

Look Toward The Light.

I revisited the photo and shifted my focus. There before my eyes, staring out from beside the dark shadows, was a face bathed in glowing light. The face peered out from the doorway in calm, benevolent, assuring tranquility. The light sat directly beside the shadow.  It had been there all along. Even when I was not. Even when I was busy judging others for casting shadows, when I simply could not see the bigger picture.  The photo was indeed a doorway. And a roadmap. And a sign.

Sometimes life is such a roller coaster of blessing and challenge and blessing.  I was grateful for the reminder of where to keep my focus.  And how to step forward in uncompromising faith. The daily news of a world at war and on fire keeps me on my humble knees.  My own challenges humble me as well. Yet, I am brought back again and again to my prayer pose not only of “please “, but of a resounding and continual “thank you, thank you, thank you.” When I choose to shift, moment by moment, and Look Toward The Light.

Although I am not well versed in the Christian bible, there are certain teachings and images that have steadied and fortified my heart. My favorite imagery by far, is that of Walking on Water. It’s not so much that Jesus walked on water, for I  believe that he unified and harmonized and alchemized with all atoms of Creation. Jesus Walking on Water was a masterpiece  of “ I and My Father are One.”  It was a testament to both transcendence and full bodied incarnation.

But, Simon Walking on Water?

This is where the teaching plunges deep. Where loaves are multiplied as food for thought, and those lost at sea are brought into safe harbor.

The water does not become solid until Simon takes his first step. The first step is often taken in a raging storm on a turbulent sea. Where shadows lurk and all feels lost.  Simon’s first step transcended faith and moved directly in tune with deep knowing.  He had to leave any doubt behind and cast his sight only on the Light.  For a flickering moment he shifted his focus on the storm that seemed to surround him.  He lost his footing and his vision. Christ called out to him to place his focus back on the Light, and He reached out His hands to steady the way for His friend.


 This is what we are called to do for each other.

We are called to be a roadmap. And a doorway.  And a Lighthouse. We are called to be a signpost for those temporarily blinded by shadows. We are called to step into the Waters, no matter the illusion of the storms.

We are called to be the chorus. Alchemizing and harmonizing with the stuff of Life. Singing out in unending refrain. Not only to Look Toward the Light, but to Be The Light.  On all shore ways and doorways through these portals of time.

We are called to be the benevolent eyes of loving care. Radiant in truth. In sympathy and compassion for the shadows that have no substance. Offering always, the glistening Light of Home, as we reach out to one another, in our walk across these waters.


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