Mary’s Messages Continued

 “Let me speak to you now about the Altars of this Earth. There are many that have been constructed in Honor of Me. By well intentioned people and their perceptions of who I am.”

“I visit these landscapes often. Unnoticed by those who call my name. I walk through the Shrines and Grottoes. Placing my hands on the hearts of those who seek Me. For an instant , those I touch  inhale a moments Peace. As if a warm breeze has just been drawn into the spaces where they once felt breathless. They do not know that I am there beside them, for they do not yet believe that this is possible.  They bow their heads in prayer to thought forms, and far away images of Me that they have fashioned  according to their understanding.”

“In Truth, all of the Grounds of Earth are Holy. As are The Children of God who walk upon them. For all is the Kingdom. And has always been the Kingdom. And the Kingdom of Heaven is Here where you stand.”

“I am much like you. I am a Daughter and a Mother and a Friend. I know the sufferings of this world and the hearts of those who seek Me. And is this not the same for you? There are those in your life who carry different images of you. And yet you meet on hallowed grounds within your Souls that still remember who you are. We are all perceived through the filters of those who perceive us, based on their own experience and orientations to life. In Truth, the heart often seeks the remembrance of its highest Light,  through the images made of others, reflecting back upon itself.”

“There are even those who innocently misrepresent My Rosary as a weapon of prayer and ask Me to take sides against My Children. There is only one side, Beloved. Though it is a Circle of evolving and expanding rays of energy in which we are all intertwined and connected. There is no separation. And Love is not a weapon. And prayer is not a battle field.  Such terminology confuses the call to surrender your “arms”, in order for arms to be opened.”

“And so, I ask you to be Living Altars. And to welcome the place where you stand as Hallowed Ground. Inside and out. And to welcome all you meet as The Beloved.”

“If you set a place for Me at your table, I will come and visit often. And together, we will bow our heads in prayer.  Right Here and Now. Upon this Earth. As it is. In this Heaven .”


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