Messages from Mary

 I found an old journal for the purpose of setting the intention of attempting these dialogues. On the front page was an old poem I had quickly scribbled down before moving on to other things that seemed to call out for my attention. What is it in this life that really needs our full attention? What do I personally focus on and give fuel to, as if fanning the flames of the sparks of life that will bloom in my garden?  

This dialogue may seem to be a distraction. A crying out for something “other” to come forward and guide me, or an expression of my imagination in attempts to hold myself through the fog of uncertainty that often descends in this lifetime.

In Truth, it matters not. In Truth, we are intricately connected to all that has been and ever shall be. And it has been said, that if we but knock on the door it shall be opened.

The poem in my otherwise empty journal went like this:

“Above all else I want to See 

The Heaven that’s surrounding me 

The thought in which I find I’m free

In Absolute Reality 

A blended, fluid Tapestry 

The fabric of Serenity 

So deeply woven into me

In living, echoed spirals of Eternity.”

There are times in life when I call out for guidance and inquiry regarding the Ultimate Reality and how to navigate this journey while on Earth. 

I often place myself at the feet of that which I consider to be Wise. And Real. And Holy. And True. The One I go to most fervently is Mary of Nazareth. She is unfortunately wrapped in veils that for many equal doubts of Her actual existence, and for others equal Her placement on a pedestal as an unapproachable and far away Icon.

And yet, for me, She arrives like a cherished old friend who appears at my door when I call Her name. 

Even though in my Heart I believe that She and I have shared intimate moments and communication that is uncommon, I confess that I fall temporarily into doubting my own experiences. Today I apologetically asked Her if She was really, really, really Real. And if She could tell me how to move forward in life. And how to love more and forgive more and care more for others in a way they could feel. I asked Her to tell me who She really is. And if  She really is. And how to love as radically and expansively and compassionately and impossibly as She does. And when I was quiet enough to move myself over, She spoke.

“Daughter”.  She said.  ( And that was almost all I needed. And my only necessary Answer..)

“ Do you still need a burning bush? A parting of the Seas? A Walk on Water? Have we not met before and spoke in Sisterhood? Does your mind still seek to take from you what your Heart knows to be true? The mind tells stories while the Soul stands witness to the Truth.”

“Humanity is so in love with its stories. Stories of heroes and villains and saints and sinners. Stories that are tidy and wrapped up in believable bows of permissible belief systems. Or in Knots. To be unraveled. When those belief systems fray and form loose endings. Only to be rewritten according to new levels of understanding.”

“I am such a story. And so are You. The deeper question is who are you? Have you not come to Earth to give birth to the Sons and Daughters of God? Are they not the Holy ones the world has awaited?  And have you not watched these children grow and shine and fall and suffer and rise again? Even as you do the same?”

“ We are so intimately connected. We are of the exact same fabric of luminous threads. It is in the seemingly small and humble encounters of this life, in which we cause those fibers to resonate in ripples that extend throughout the tapestry.”

“The story of You and the story of humanity is still being written. Each footstep you take is the journey unfolding and refolding itself into the story of Life. You are Here as the Beloved of God. You are Here as a Viewpoint in which Divinity has a point from which to View Creation. Your feedback on that which you view, creates the next Viewpoint that will manifest before you.”

“Soften your gaze, Child. And look towards all that you perceive with eyes of radiant innocence and possibility.  And look, with those same soft eyes, on your Vision of yourself and your purpose in this World. You have a point of View unlike all others. And your full story is yet to be told.”

“You have been given an internal compass with which to navigate. Do not be dismayed by the apparent darkness and noise within you and around you. Find your still point and seek to make that the point from which you View all things. In the quieting there lies a quickening and a birthplace for Truth. You, in fact, are that very birthplace. As are all others you behold. Help them, Child, to befriend their own Light, no matter the temporary clouds that seek to conceal it.”

“Am I Real, you ask? Or did you make me up? “

“My beloved Child. You were made up, too. By One who loves you as I do and asks you only to Love yourself and your place in this story. And all others as yourself.”

“The Book of Life remains open, Child. Cast down all swords you would wield upon yourself and others. Pick up your pen and your crayons. Splash your Light on the pages.  Start Now. And fear not. For I walk beside you and I will steady your trembling hand, till it trembles no more. And we will Bless this world, together, in Real and Living Color.”


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