Mother Mary. Humming.

 “All this noise. So much noise. On your TV screens. In your politics. In your wars. In your minds.”

“ The noise begins and ends with You. The chaos that can serve as a catalyst for the creation of change, must be blessed by Your compassion and Your Harmony .”

“ This is not to tell you to look away. Or to not stand up for the Peace you seek. It is merely a reminder that Peace is already Here. Awaiting your arrival. And Humming your name as an essential chord in its survival.”

“The creations of the Children of God should be Witnessed and Pondered. This is merely a call to take Pause before acting, or speaking, or judging.”

“When the Father created the Heavens and Earth, and the Great Mother sighed as She inhaled the Birth, the Children were given custodial Light of unfathomable Worth. And the Great Father sighed, and He said: “It is Good.”

“The Children of Creation have spent lifetimes creating. And often, miscreating. Through a glass, darkly. In fogs of forgetfulness. Sleepwalking through blurry landscapes of imagined separation and abandonment. While abandoning themselves. Misunderstanding the Grace of The Gift.  Misunderstanding the power of their choices, their words, their thoughts and their perceptions of themselves and each other. At other times the creations have redeemed the dark glass, for the Light was invoked and companioned its creators. When poets and painters, musicians and healers, prophets and peace seekers, writers and dreamers, call forth the Light, they call it for All. Without fences or walls.”

“When you view your Great Earth from above, She is One, Living, Circular Being of Love. A Holy and Radiant Creation.  An ever evolving Celestial Celebration. Offering you Holy Waters, if only you’d drink. And rethink what you thirst for.”

“All this noise. All this noise. Upon Her countenance. And Yours.”

“As the Eagle flies. As the Waters flow. As the Starlight and Sunlight fill the Skies with a Light that defies any language or its need.”

“Can you not take heed?”

“The Children of Creation would be well served to Pause as they behold their own creations. Now born from their fears and their failures to pause and give thanks for it all.”

“It may be helpful to ask yourselves: Is it Good? Is what I am thinking of service to others, or is it a weapon I wield as a shield against pain? And has my noise blocked out the Song, of The One who is Humming my Name?”

“Can you witness the characters in this story, as characters in this story? As catalysts for change born of growth? As aspects of yourselves come to teach you to remember how to learn? And how to bow your heads. Before each other. Can you remember, to pay attention, to your intentions?”

“Or. After all these years, must you still throw stones, that land at your own misguided feet. Noisy, noisy stones, that crash down upon a story that was born of and in need of your Light.”

“Make touchstones of these times and lay them down as luminous pathways towards the changes that you seek. In this loud and forgetful world, be a tranquil Stream. And a Song of Peace. Humming. Silently.  The sounds of the True Creation of which You were born. And welcoming all to come drink. And to Sigh. And Come Home.”

“I was there last night as the bombs of my children rained down on the children of my children.”

“And I Hummed them this Song. And we Sighed.”


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