Ninety Three Wednesdays
There have been Twenty Two months, Ninety Three weeks and Four long days since you went away. On a Wednesday. At first, I tried to banish all remaining Wednesdays from my Kingdom. But this was not to be. The traditions of keeping time and other such illusory measurements of folly are stubborn here on Earth. I decided to count the Wednesdays instead. To keep track of the distance of all the Yesterdays, when I could have called you on the phone, to say what I did not. There were Seventeen Wednesdays. Thirty Six Wednesdays. Forty Two Wednesdays. At the end of the years weekly count, I knew not what to do. You were no longer held in the count of the year that once knew you. I asked what to do. Needing a word from you. To help me through my days. Most things are easier now between us, in a way. All of the stories, the endless false notions, have vanished. The strict limitations and boundaries that blocked us have since lost their power. After your passing,...